Frederick Berg by Five Stones

11017662_10102416996556490_3250494592999786379_oRating: 4.85/5

Frederick Berg by Five Stones is a 6% ABV Fruit Ale handcrafted with fresh peaches.

Ale handcrafted with peaches.


Thanks to Aaron Mendiola of for providing this awesome brew to the site. I have been fortunate to try a good variety of 5 Stones brews thanks to Aaron as well as other Texas goodies. This one is made with peaches. Definitely love me some peaches and peach beers are pretty damn awesome! Some peach beers I have tried in the past are tart or sweet. While there may not be much information about how this one is supposed to be, we can take a look at this one and see what can be found. Cheers!

Biscuit bread, Floral, herbal and citrus hops, Stone fruit peaches, apricot, Honey, peppercorn, banana hints, honey, peach preserves on toasted rye bread, bubble gum, phenolic bready notes, clove spice, farmhouse hay, floral, herbal, citrus and piney hops, vanilla, apples, brettanomyces hints and graham crackers.

Peach preserves, biscuit bread, honey, stone fruit peaches, apricots, nectarines, plums mango hints, peppercorn, clove spice, banana notes, bubble gum, phenolic hints, grapes, brettanomyces hints, farmhouse hay, floral, herbal and citrus hops, apples, lemon peel, vanilla and graham crackers.

Tart peach notes, biscuit bread, flowers, peppercorns, phenolic notes, bananas and clove spice with some citrus hop hints finishing dry. No alcohol in the taste, light to medium body, crisp and refreshing mouthfeel, moderate drinkability.

Very good and very peachy ale. Having a lot of bready and Belgian like character to it. The peaches and fruitiness are very present in this one. The tartness is calmed by the breadiness of the beer and sweet flavors. I highly recommend this one if you like a sweeter peach yet tart ale. This one is only in Texas though, so hope to see more of this in the future. 5 Stones really is an awesome brewery.

Anime Corner:
Tenshi Hinanawi from the Touhou project series was used to represent the peaches as well as the label in this brew. Tenshi has been used for a lot of the peach beers I used but this one with her laying back and relaxing was the perfect one. Laying back, relaxing and having a beer is an awesome pass time. This is what this one was made for. Enjoying!


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