Pineapple Sculpin by Ballast Point

12747486_10103068363776360_7149669895786199153_o 12669586_10103068364385140_4829048760648427393_nRating: 4.85/5

Pineapple Sculpin by Ballast Point is a 7% ABV India Pale Ale brewed with Natural Pineapple Flavor.

Hopped in 5 different stages, this beer has flavors of apricot, mango and lemon. But this isn’t your regular Sculpin IPA – this version has the addition of 100% fresh pineapple pure to create a new twist on an old favorite.


Obtained this one at one of my local shops. With the release of another awesome Sculpin variant, I had to definitely bring it to the website. The different ones have elevated the original gold standard to new heights. The IPA community has been changing so much that even Sculpin is not number 1 anymore. While it is a fan favorite even for me, this is just another step in innovation of the brew market as new hop breeds are being made which bring new flavors to IPAs. Even with that being said, nothing wrong with making the gold standard into higher standard. Aside from that, I really want to try this pineapple one and recommend you do the same or at least after this review.

Stone fruit peaches, Pineapple hints, tropical fruit mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit, papaya, honey dew melon, grapefruit, citrus, piney, herbal, floral and grassy hops, biscuit bread, vanilla and toffee.

Rich Pineapple notes, grapefruit, citrus, piney, herbal, floral and grassy hops, tropical fruit mango, dragon fruit, passion fruit, papaya, honey dew melon, guava notes, prickly pears, cherries, biscuit bread, Stone fruit peaches, apricots, lychee fruit, lemon starburst, tangerine gummies, cocada Mexican coconut candy, Malibu Rum hints and sweetened condensed milk.

Flavors linger of pineapple, mango, tropical fruits, stone fruits, biscuit bread, floral and piney notes.No alcohol in the taste. Clear golden body, smooth, crisp, clean and refreshing mouth feel with a easy to moderate drinkability.

A very delicious that just became more perfect as it warmed up. Initially, I did not give it a chance too much in the colder temperatures but as it warmed up, more of the pineapple and tropical fruit sweetness melded together with balancing out the hop bitterness. The only reason it did not get a perfect in my opinion is because I have had more delicious Pineapple IPAs. This is definitely one to must have several. It is still very good and most likely will be a common. This definitely takes the original sculpin to a new level of awesome and makes it even more tropical than what it was before.

Anime Corner:
Temari Sabaku from Naruto and one of my top 4 favorite anime characters was used in this pairing as I always wanted to pair a pineapple beer with Temari. Quite simply since Temari’s hair is reminiscent of pineapples. She’s damn cute and her character complements the bitterness of an IPA as she tends to be cold at times but kind hearted the majority of the time. I also enjoy how the artworks pair well with the label and the sculpin fish which Temari wearing the googles and slanted almost looks like the fish itself. Anyways, I really like how this turned out for sure.


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